So, have you ever thought of turning your backyard into a carnival? 

You don't have to rent a roller coaster. Just think color, music, balloons, games with prizes ... and a few concession rentals Rockford IL to give your party that authentic carnival feeling and smell!

Popcorn machines are ideal for all but the smallest kiddos. The tantalizing smell of hot butter melting on freshly popped kernels is irresistible. Watch out -- that wonderful smell is likely to make the neighbors want to crash the party! Hot buttered popcorn is not only a classic carnival treat, it will make any backyard show -- clowns, magicians, puppets -- feel much more like you're at the state fair.

On those sizzling summer days, nothing beats a snow cone. Hands down, sweet syrup on fluffy shaved ice is the ultimate refresher. Snow cone machines are not hard to operate, and you can pick from a variety of flavors. You can even stock a few sugar-free flavors for the health-conscious in your crowd. A professional snow cone machine will make the job much easier! No hand-cranking, no under-powered home models. Just mounds of snow and yummy flavors for your carnival guests.

And while we're talking about sweet treats, cotton candy machines will give your backyard midway the ultimate carnival ambiance. Sure ... too much sugar isn't a good thing, but hey: cotton candy is mostly air anyway! And, a freshly spun batch of cotton candy will always taste better than the pre-packaged stuff. Rental companies can supply multiple flavors, sugar, paper cones -- everything you need for that fluffy, sticky goodness.

All it takes is a little imagination and a few concession rentals Rockford to turn backyard U.S.A. into the midway. Even if you think you've outgrown the carnival, the smells of hot buttered popcorn and sugary treats will transport you back to your childhood and put a smile on your face! Oh ... and your kids are sure to love it, too.

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